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Siempre Savings Affiliate Details

Glad to see we've peaked your interest.

Here's the Brass tacks...

This short video will give you a visual on how our programs cost effectiveness, unique program tracking mechanism, potential return on invested dollars and the residual earnings possibilities will benefitial your business..

How our program works...

  1. Become a Siempre Saving Business Affiliate for just $50 per month. 
  2. Create the Daily Discounts or Monthly Specials that you'd like to offer.  It can be a one of a kind discount that last the entire month, a daily special only available on specific days or combinations of both.  How you create your offers is totally in your hands... 
  3. While you're doing this, so are all of the other affiliate businesses in the program. Which makes for a more attractive reason for potential customers in the community to purchase Siempre Savings Membership Cards. 
  4. With all the Daily Discount and Monthly Special made available via Internet and smart phone app for instant viewing by card holders, ease of use is inherently built into the program
  5. Siempre Savings Business Affiliate will be provided marketing material to inform customers of your affiliation, card acceptance and how they can obtain a membership using your promo code. 
  6. In addition, your offers will be used to promote the Siempre Savings Card Program and your Business in our social media post, emails, texts, flyers and all pay-per-click ad campaign efforts that'll work to increase the programs customer base and promote card membership to more than 175,000 customers in the immediate area.
  7. Siempre Savings Business Affiliation also creates a track-able way to measure whether the Daily Discount and Monthly Specials you've created are working to attract more customers.  
  8. Selling Siempre Savings Card Memberships to already loyal customers serve to reward them and recoup Ad dollars spent for participation. 
  9. Siempre Savings Business Affiliation also establishes a residual return on every customer who renews their Siempre Savings Card Membership each year.
  10. Lastly, Siempre Savings Business Affiliation provides great value for program card purchases made through community organizations who use the Siempre Savings Card Program as a Fund Raising mechanisim.  Their sales work to promote your business, its offers and increase the Siempre Savings customer base. 

Realizing the Benefits...

As a Siempre Savings Business Affiliate you will:

  • Gain access to an advertising, marketing and promotions firm that means to pool the resources and efforts of several community business and fund raising organizations.
  • Gain Access to an Advertising, Marketing and Promotions firm that means to expand the Siempre Savings Card Customer Base through the use of Pay-Per-Click Ads with Google, Bing, Yahoo, HootSuite and Facebook not to mention standard advertising such as business cards, 4x9 and 4x 6 Flyers and email as well as text message and social media promotion through Facebook and Twitter to more than 175,000 local residents in the area.
  • Gain access to a program that allows you to reward your already loyal customers while working to attract new customers from outside your general customer circle
  • Create a track able system to determine the success of program participation
  • Create a residual ROI on Ad dollars spent with the program as well as recoup monies for Ad dollars spent for program participation
  • Serve as incentives of fundraising endeavors in your local community

There isn't another Advertising, Marketing or Promotions option that has the ability to create a win for the business, a win for customer and a win for the community like the Siempre Savings Card Program.  And for as little as $50 a month with the opportunity to make that back, your program participation basically becomes free with a residual return of $5 on every card your customers renew on a yearly basis.  How much more cost effective, beneficial and profitable does it have to be. 

*Once payment is received and authorized, we will begin processing your SiempreVi Discount Card Business Participant Application immediately.  Please allow 24 to 48 hours for processing.  

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